Beaba Designer Tape Diapers and Diaper Pants Singapore : Price and Reviews 2023

Beaba Designer Tape Diapers and Diaper Pants Singapore : Price and Reviews 2023

Beaba Diapers is a series of fashionable diapers.

- AIR-CONDITIONING FIBRES : Continuously absorbs and releases energy, keeping the temperature at a moderate level. Just like a mini air conditioner!

- HONEYCOMB DESIGN LAYERS : Provides breathability, reduces contact area, improves air circulation, regulates heat

- ANTIBACTERIAL POLYMER PROTECTS YOUR BABY - Enhanced antibacterial properties prevent bacteria growth, relieves redness, swelling, irritation and protects your baby's skin.

- DOUBLE-LAYER LEAK-PROOF - More ways than one in caring for babies. Instant absorption to lock in liquids with double-layer 3D leak-proof enclosure, effectively avoiding side leakage and avoid the small embarrassments in life.

Tape Diapers - S to XL 
Diaper Pants - L to XXL

1. Crazy Animal Fans Design
2. Light Years Away Space Design : Contains Shea Butter rich with Vitamin E to nourish the skin.
3. Ice Cream Design : Contains bamboo charcoal to eliminate odor and act as a dehumidifier.
4. Radio Design
5. Eternal Summer Beach Design
6. Big Fish & Begonia Design : Contains Shea Butter rich with Vitamin E to nourish the skin.
7. Fashion Gala Design
8. Bebetour Alice's Secret Garden
9. Eternal Summer - Nature Series
10. Panda Series
11. Happy Family Series
12. Smiley Series

Inactive Designs
1. Beaba Jungle Life Story Series
2. Beaba Masterpiece Series

1. Beaba Crazy Animal Design

Sizes : S to XXL

Beaba Diapers Price

2. Beaba Light Years Away - Space Themed Diapers 


Contains Shea Butter rich in Vitamin E to nourish the skin

Sizes : S to XXL

Beaba Diapers Price

3. Beaba Ice Cream Series

Contains bamboo charcoal to eliminate odor and act as a dehumidifier.

Sizes : Tape Diapers - S to XL / Diaper Pants - L to XXL

Beaba Diapers Price

4. Beaba Radio Series

Sizes : M to XXL

Beaba Diapers Price

5. Beaba Eternal Summer Series

Sizes : Tape Diapers S to XXL / Diaper Pants L to XXXL

Beaba Diapers Price

6. Beaba Big Fish & Begonia Series

Sizes : Tape Diapers NB to XL / Diaper Pants L to XXL

Contains Shea Butter rich with Vitamin E to nourish the skin.

Beaba Diapers Price

7. Fashion Gala Series

Sizes : Tape Diapers NB to XL / Diaper Pants L to XXL

Beaba Diapers Price

8. Bebetour Alice's Secret Garden

Sizes : Tape Diapers S to XL / Diaper Pants L to XXXL

Beaba Diapers Price

9. Eternal Summer - Nature Series

Sizes : Tape Diapers NB to M / Diaper Pants L to XXXL

Beaba Diapers Price

10. Beaba Panda Series

Sizes : Tape Diapers NB to XL / Diaper Pants L to XXXL

11. Happy Family Series

Sizes : Tape Diapers S to XL / Diaper Pants XL to XXXL

12. Smiley Series

Sizes : Tape Diapers NB to XL / Diaper Pants L to XXXL

Beaba Baby Diaper Sample (5 pieces)

Beaba Diapers - Inactive Designs

1. Beaba Jungle Life Story Series

- Rich in Citric Acid for added Vitamin C for the skin
- Citric acid content provides a balanced ph on the diaper's surface (PH 4.8 to 6.8) for healthy skin

Sizes : Tape Diapers - S to XL / Diaper Pants - L to XXL

2. Beaba Masterpiece Series

This series has Silk Peptide Proteins, which contains a variety of amino acids to provide nutrients to the skin.

Sizes : Tape Diapers NB to XL / Diaper Pants L to XXL


1. Diapers Guide 101

best diaper malaysia

2. How to Buy Baby Diapers

Most newborns gain about 3 pounds during the first month and babies born with a higher birth weight tend to skip this diaper size altogether. Therefore, there's no point stockpiling on size NB.

You can always start small. Try stockpiling no larger than size 1, just in case you don’t like the first brand you try.

Once you get a feel for fit, cost, brand, and size, go ahead and purchase more — up to an entire year’s worth or more of diapers. Keep in mind your own baby’s weight and rate of gain when planning. Never pay full price for diapers unless it’s an emergency (more on saving on diapers below).

Keep in mind that different brands may work better or worse for different babies, so be open to trying a few different diapers before you decide on the right ones for you. Sometimes a diaper that costs a little more is a better fit and works better, making it worth the extra money.

3. How Often Should You Change Your Baby's Diaper?

Change your newborn’s diaper every two to three hours, or as needed, according to experts. Because if the diaper isn’t changed frequently, the baby is at risk of developing skin rashes, infections, and a variety of other health problems.

4. Things to Consider When Picking Your Baby's Diaper

a) Pick Trustable Brands
Make sure you pink a trustable brand.

b) Diaper Features
Make sure your diapers have features that are suitable for your condition. For example; Good Absorbency, Wetness Indicator Lines, Soft and Breathable, Stretchability and Fit.

c) Pick the right size

Avoid loading up on one size because your baby will require bigger-sized diapers every few months.

d) Skin Sensitivity

If your baby has sensitive skin like having rash because of diapers. You must look for hypoallergenic diapers. For example: Huggies Little Snugglers

5. What is diaper rash

Diaper rash is a common type of inflamed skin (dermatitis) that appears on your baby’s bottom as a patchwork of bright red skin. Wet or infrequently changed diapers, skin sensitivity, and chafing are all common causes of diaper rash.

6. What causes diaper rash

Diaper rash can be caused by a variety of factors. Diaper rash can occur when a new food is introduced into your child’s diet. It could also be the result of a new laundry detergent or bath product. 

Diaper rash can also occur when a child’s diaper is not changed frequently enough or caused by antibiotics your child is taking. Additionally, diapers or wipes that aren’t compatible with your child’s skin may be the reason of their diaper rash.

7. How to treat diaper rash

Know the Cause
If the cause is a lack of hygiene, you should change your child’s diaper on a regular basis, making sure to thoroughly clean the baby’s bottom with a wipe or wet washcloth after each change. Then, apply a thin layer of diaper rash ointment to your baby’s bum to keep moisture at bay.

If your baby’s skin is really sensitive, it is best to use a diaper designed for sensitive skin. Change your child’s diaper frequently to avoid diaper rash in the future — moisture trapped on your child’s skin for an extended period of time can be quite harmful.

If it is due to a yeast infection. This will take a week or two of daily application of anti-fungal cream. Always make sure that your baby’s bottom is dry and clean while you’re treating them.

8. What to know about diaper rash

Diaper rash is frequently caused by a skin irritation caused by too much moisture in the diaper. The best way to solve this problem is to keep your baby’s bottom dry.

For heavy wetter, do not change diapers too soon because if your baby sitting in a lot of moisture for long periods that can cause rashes. 

It is also critical to avoid using any petroleum-based products on your baby’s sensitive skin because they cause too many dry spots, which can worsen the condition or cause more frequent flare-ups. Vaseline, Icy Hot, and Aquafor are examples of such products.

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Diaper Brands in Lazada

Alvababy Cloth Diapers - Lazada / Product Guide
- Fashionable Cloth Diapers and Swim Diapers

Applecrumby Chlorine Free Diapers / Pants - Lazada

Babyspa Swimming Diapers - Lazada

Bambo Nature Eco Friendly Diapers - Lazada

Biba Fashionable Diapers - Lazada / Product Guide

Bosomi Cotton Diapers - Lazada

Charnins / Tape Diapers, Pull Up Diapers, Swim Diapers - Lazada

Drypers - Lazada / Product Guide
Skinature / Drypers Touch / Wee Wee Dry / Drypantz / Classic

GOO.N - Lazada

Huggies - Lazada / Product Guide
Black Label Little Penguin (Softness) / Platinum Naturemade / Gold Airsoft / Silver / GoodNites / Little Swimmer

Mamypoko - Lazada / Product Guide
Extra Dry + Anti Mosquito (Absorbs more and thicker) / Air Fit (Thin and soft) / Natural (Organic) / Standard / Kids Pants for Night Time / Royal Soft / Preemie

Merries - Lazada

Moo Moo Kow (Cloth Diapers) - Lazada

Moony - Lazada / Product Guide
Similar brand as Mamypoko - Natural (Organic) / Airfit / Swim Pants

Nepia / Genki - Lazada

Nuby Swimming Diapers - Lazada

Offspring - Lazada
Organic, chlorine free - Fashion Diapers / Ultra Thin Diapers / Newborn Diapers

Pampers - Lazada / Product Guide
Premium Care (Hypoallergenic) / Overnight Pants / Baby Dry (Better for day use) / Aircon Pants (Breathable) / Swim Diapers

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