10 Best Stage 1 Formula Milk Singapore 2022

Stage 1 is designed for newborn to six months formula. The composition of stage 1 formulas is mostly designed to be gentle, mimicking breast milk as closely as possible.

Breastmilk is nature's perfect baby food. But if you can’t breastfeed, or if you’ve chosen not to, formula milk is the next best thing. Scientists and medical experts have spent years developing high-quality formula milks that will provide your baby with the nutrition she needs.

Difference Between Infant Formula and Stage 1 Formula Milk
- Infant formula resembles breast milk more

- Infant formula's only form of carbohydrate is lactose 
- Stage 1 formula contains starch in addition to lactose

- Infant formula is usually watery, has less protein content, and is easier for babies to digest
- Stage 1 formula is creamier than infant milk and will keep your baby full longer

- Both formulas can be used from birth onwards.
- Both formulas can be used until the baby stops bottle feeding.

Difference Between Stage 1 and Stage 2 Formula Milk
- Stage 1 and Stage 2 formula milk have similar nutrients. The main difference is the ratio of casein and whey proteins, which are both derived from milk.

- Stage 1 formulas are whey dominant just like breast milk which has a whey to casein ratio of about 60:40. Whey digests quickly compared to casein.

Stage 2 formulas are similar to Stage 1 formulas but has more casein, with a whey to casein ratio of 20:80. Casein digests slower, keeping babies full for longer.

- Stage 2 formulas are often creamier than Stage 1 formula and has more energy, making it more satiating for babies older than 6 months.

Stage 2 formula is mainly appropriate when your child starts eating baby food. It can be used to supplement baby food if your baby is still hungry after drinking Stage 1 milk. 

- Stage 2 formula can be used starting from month 7 (earliest) until the baby stops bottle feeding. 

Best Stage 1 Formula Milk in Singapore

There are many different brands for baby or infant milk formulas in Singapore. We have trawled through the reviews, Google search results, and milk powder comparison information available on blogs and forums, and shortlisted the best for you.

Here are the Best Stage 1 Formula Milk Singapore that you can buy over the counter or online today.

A. Cow's milk formula
1. Dumex Dulac Stage 13. Similac® Stage 1 Baby Milk Powder Formula 2'-FL
Protein is not processed in standard formulations. They’re exactly the same size as when they first came from the cow. The proteins in cow’s milk are significantly larger than those in breast milk.

Full-size proteins are listed as “nonfat milk,” “milk protein isolate,” or “whey protein” (a component of cow’s milk protein) on the ingredient list. These are the normal formulations, which include full-size proteins.

1. Dumex Dulac Stage 1 Infant Milk Formula 800gDumex Dulac Stage 1 Infant Milk Formula
Dumex is a trusted brand, nurturing generations of Singaporeans for over 60 years. It contains DHA, ARA, lcFOS and more than 30 key nutrients for your child. This formula is suitable for 0-12 months.

Dumex Dulac Infant Milk Formula Review
My baby has been drinking this when she was born. It is good formula for my baby.

Prize on Lazada: SGD 14.80 - Buy on Lazada

2. Dumex Mamil Gold Stage 1 Infant Milk Formula (850g)
Dumex Mamil Gold Stage 1 Infant Milk Formula
A newly enhanced formula that is naturally sourced and made from milk produced by free roaming grass-fed cows. It is free from genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and colourings.

- Specially formulated with unique prebiotic blend (GOS/lcFOS in ratio 9:1).
- Made in Europe.

Prize on Lazada: SGD 56.00 - Buy on Lazada

3. Similac® Stage 1 Infant Milk Formula 2'-FL

Similac® Stage 1 Infant Milk Formula 2'-FL

Similac Stage 1 milk powder for infant provides complete nutrition for your baby's first year and is formulated to support your child's physical and mental development Stage 1 for 0-12 months old

- Formula milk Enhanced with 2'-FL: Added with nucleotides that support your child's immunity* *Nucleotides that support the body's natural defenses
- EyeQ Plus Nutrition System: Contains Natural Vitamin E, Lutein; and DHA that supports brain and eye development
- Unique vegetable fat blend with No Palm Oil

Prize on Lazada: SGD 119.20 - Buy on Lazada

4. Wyeth Nutrition S26 Wyeth Nutrition GOLD PRO Infant Formula
Wyeth Nutrition S26 Wyeth Nutrition GOLD PRO Stage 1 Infant Formula 2 -FL 900g Milk Powder
New S-26 GOLD with the unique Biofactors System is now boosted with components that provide important nutrition to support your infant’s overall growth and development. 

· Increased level of Choline*, to support overall mental functioning 
· Increased level of DHA*, an important building block for brain development of infants 
· Increased level of Lutein*, a predominant component of the retina of the eye 

· Alpha-lactalbumin, a unique high-quality protein that helps in tissue building and growth 
· Now with Oligofructose, a soluble dietary fibre, stimulates an increase of beneficial bifidobacteria in the intestinal tract ·
 5 kinds of Nucleotides, which are essential to normal cell function and replication, and important for overall growth and development of infant

Prize on Lazada: SGD 60.50 - Buy on Lazada

B. Partially Hydrolyzed Formula

This formula is made by breaking down the proteins in cow’s milk formula into small pieces. Hydrolyzed proteins formula require less processing to absorb, it is good option for some newborns or infants who have difficulty digesting full-size proteins or have a history of digestive problems.

5. Nestle OPTIPRO H.A. Infant Formula Stage 1

Nestle OPTIPRO H.A. Infant Formula Stage 1

NAN OPTIPRO H.A 1 is a infant formula for babies when they are not breastfed. It provides your baby with all the nutrients essential for growth and development. It contains OPTIPRO H.A, an exclusive unique blend of partially hydrolzed protein broken down into pieces, 10 times smaller and made gentle for babies. 

Complemented with BIDIFUS BL patented active probiotics that helps maintain a healthy digestive system during his first crucial year of life.

Prize on Lazada: SGD 59.60 - Buy on Lazada

6. Enfamil A+ Gentlease Infant Formula Baby Milk Powder 
Enfamil A+ Stage 1 Gentlease Infant Formula Baby Milk Powder (0-12M) 900g

With over 100 years experience in paediatric nutrition, Mead Johnson Nutrition has designed Enfamil A+ Gentlease.

Enfamil A+ Gentlease Stage 1 and Stage 2 contains:
- Partially Hydrolyzed Protein (PHP)
- 17mgΔ DHA & 34mgΔ ARA

Price on Lazada: SGD 69.85 > Buy on Lazada

C. Extensively Hydrolyzed Formula

Formula that has been extensively hydrolyzed may be a good option for babies who are allergic to cow’s milk. This breaks down the milk proteins into even smaller pieces, making them easier to digest.

7. Gerber Good Start, Extensive HA

Gerber, Good Start, Extensive HA, Infant Formula with Iron, Birth to 12 Months

This hypoallergenic formula is designed for babies with cow’s milk protein allergies (CMPA). If your baby is suspected to have or is diagnosed with CMPA, your baby’s doctor might recommend changing from a routine formula to a hypoallergenic extensively hydrolyzed infant formula

Price on Lazada: SGD 76.90 > Buy on Lazada

8. Enfamil Nutramigen LGG 

Enfamil Nutramigen LGG (0-12 months)

Nutramigen 1 with Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG®) is with extensively hydrolysed protein. It is suitable for the dietary management of cow’s milk protein allergy.

- Nutramigen 1 with LGG® is lactose-free (Not suitable for infants with galactosaemia) 
- Contains 17mg DHA and 34mg ARA.

Price on Guardian: SGD 44.90 > Buy on Guardian

D. Soy / Plant based formula

As part of a healthy, balanced diet, soya, oat, almond and other vegetable based milks can be offered or used in cooking. However, they are usually not as nutritionally comparable to cow’s milk. Furthermore, not all brands fortify with the same nutrients so they shouldn’t replace cow’s milk.

Soy Formula
Soy formulas are made with soy, it means they contain soy protein. These formulae are marketed to people with lactose intolerance and galactosemia, both of which are uncommon in babies. In soy formula, the term “soy protein isolate” may appear on the ingredient list. These are the standard formulations, which include full-size soy proteins.

However, if your baby has cow’s milk allergy, best consult a doctor before taking soy formula because some infants with cow’s milk allergy also react to soy.

Cow Milk Formula vs Soy Milk Formula
According to American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), cow’s milk formula is still the next best thing to breast milk for the majority of newborns. However, some infants who can’t digest cow’s milk, it is best to avoid cow milk formula and start using soy milk formula.

With the growing awareness of the potential health benefits of soy products, parents may opt for this type of formula in the belief that it is better for their babies. The popularity of soy formulas among American parents has grown, with one out of every four parents now choosing for soy. But the AAP says it may not be so. And while the academy doesn’t claim that soy formula will lead to the development of health problems, some experts aren’t so sure.

9. Isomil ® Stage 1 Soy Growing-Up Formula 850g (0-12 months)

Isomil ® Stage 1 Soy Growing-Up Formula 850g (0-12 months)

- A soy infant formula for infants aged 0 to 6 months.
- It includes nutrients such as Lutein, DHA and AA.
- The formula is Lactose Free and Cow Milk Protein Free and suitable for Vegetarians.
- It is also palm oil-free, scientifically formulated for nutrient absorption.

Price on Lazada: SGD 55.45 > Buy on Lazada

E. Amino Acid Based Formula

Amino acid-based formulas offer complete nutrition for babies who need additional nutrition support. These formulas are appropriate for babies who are unable to tolerate extensively hydrolyzed formulas. Because these formulas do not contain any intact proteins, they are tolerated by most babies. Amino acid-based formulas are also known as “elemental” formulas.

10. Nutricia Neocate LCP (0-12 months)
Nutricia Neocate LCP (0-12 months)
Breast milk is best for infants; and the infant formula should be used on the advice of a doctor or healthcare practitioner. The quantity of feed and the dilution should be determined by a clinician or dietitian only, and is dependent on the age, bodyweight and medical condition of the patient.

Infants above the age of 6 months should start to receive supplemental foods in addition to the formula. The infant may require more or less than the quantities given here. If other foods are introduced, this should only be done under medical/dietetic guidance and the amount of Neocate LCP given may need to be reduced accordingly.

- Amino acid based, infant formula powder.
- For other indications where an amino acid based formula is recommended.
- Food for special medical purposes.

Price on Lazada: SGD 113.60 > Buy on Lazada

Related Articles


1. How often should I feed infant formula?
You can start by offering your baby 1 to 2 ounces of infant formula every 2 to 3 hours during their first days of life. This is if your baby is only getting infant formula and no breast milk. Give your baby more if he or she is showing signs of hunger.

Most infant formula-fed newborns will feed 8 to 12 times in 24 hours. Talk with your child’s doctor or nurse about how much infant formula is right for your baby. (Source)

2. How do you know if your baby needs a different formula?
- Excessive Spit Up
- Extra Fussiness Following Feedings
- Bloody Stool
- Severe Constipation
- Allergy Symptoms. They can show symptoms either immediately following feeding or up to 10 days later. For instance: eczema or skin rashes, loose stools (which may contain blood), vomiting or gagging, refusing bottles, wheezing, swelling, hives.

3. What formula is good for constipation and gas?

a. Protein Hydrolysate Formula
In all standard formulations, the protein is not processed at all. They’re exactly the same size as when they first came from the cow which may cause constipation in some babies.

Protein hydrolysate formulas are meant for babies who don't tolerate cow's milk or soy-based formulas.

This type of formula are nutritionally the same as standard formula milk, but it contains protein that's been broken down (hydrolyzed) — partially or extensively — into smaller sizes than are those in cow's milk.

b. A2 Milk Formula 
Researchers believe that A2 is the more natural variant of beta casein. Some studies found that people who only drank milk from cows that produce A2 milk had less bloating and indigestion, leading some to believe that A2 milk is a healthier alternative to regular milk.

c. Goat Milk Formula
Goat Milk formula may be a better formula for children with constipation; this is because goat formula contains high levels of prebiotic oligosaccharides. 

Moreover, It’s possible that goat milk is easier on the stomach. This is because goat milk has fewer micro-proteins than cow milk, which makes it easier for certain people to digest. 

Parents can change their child’s formula from cow’s milk to goat’s milk, however, during the transition, your child may experience certain side effects. And if your children have just stopped breastfeeding and you choose to give them goat’s milk, best to do it under doctor’s supervision.

4. What are the causes of constipation in children?

Constipation may be caused by..
- Ignoring the urge to use the toilet
- Not eating enough fiber
- Not drinking enough fluids
- Switching to solid foods or from breast milk to formula (infants)
- Changes in situation, such as travel, starting school, or stressful events

Medical causes of constipation may include..
- Diseases of the bowel, such as those that affect the bowel muscles or nerves
- Other medical conditions that affect the bowel
- Use of certain medicines

5. What to do after your baby throws up
- Rest their stomach. Keep your baby from eating or drinking for 30 to 60 minutes after vomiting so that their stomach has time to recover.

- Give them fluids. after 3o minutes, start by giving your baby small amounts (0.5 oz or less) of fluid every 5 to 10 minutes. If your baby vomits the fluid out, wait another 30 minutes. Then start again with small amounts of fluid every 5 to 10 minutes. Use water, breast milk or a clear, noncarbonated liquid.

- Medicines. If your child has a fever, ask your pediatrician for the appropriate medication.

All Milk Brands in Redmart / Lazada Singapore

Babybio Milk Formula Singapore / Organic + Goat Milk Option, Stage 1 to 3

Bellamy's Milk Formula Singapore / Organic, Stage 1 to 4, Pregnancy Milk

Bimbosan Milk Formula Singapore / Has organic options, Has goat milk options, Stage 1 to 3

Bubs Organic Milk Formula Singapore / Organic, Grass fed or goat milk options, Stage 1 to 3

- Gentlease for digestion problems / Post discharge for newborns 
- Enfamil AR (anti regurgitation) for acid reflux and spit up
-  Lactofree lactose free / Nutramigen hypoallergenic lactose free

Enfagrow Milk Formula Singapore / Stage 3 to Stage 5, Has Gentlease Option

- Comfort Next for constipation / AR thickened formula to reduce spit up 
- HA hydrolyzed formula for cow's milk protein allergy / Has Frisomum pregnancy and lactation formula

Holle Milk Formula Singapore / Organic + Organic Goat Milk Option, Stage 1 to 3

HIPP Milk Formula Singapore / Organic, Combiotik option has prebiotics, Stage 1 to 4

illuma Milk Formula Singapore / A2 Milk, Stage 1 and Stage 3

Isomil Milk Formula Singapore / Soy Formula, Stage 1 and Stage 3

Karihome Milk Formula Singapore / Goat milk, Stage 1 to 4 

Kendamil Milk Formula Singapore / Organic + Goat Milk Option, Stage 1 to 3

Nature One Dairy Milk Formula Singapore / Standard, Premium (More DHA, ARA, GOS, Lutein) and Organic Formulas, Stage 1 to 4, Has pregnancy formula

Viplus / Nestle NAN Milk Formula Singapore / Viplus is Organic, Nan HA (Hypoallergenic), Nan Sensitive, Nan CR for Constipation, Lactose Free 

Pediasure Milk Formula Singapore / For children 1-12 years old, Has sucrose free option

Wyeth S26 Milk Formula Singapore / Stage 1 to 4, Ascenda for growth (1 to 7 years old)

Similac Milk Formula Singapore / Total Comfort for sensitive stomachs, RS for anti regurgitation, Neosure for premature babies, Has organic option, Stage 1 to 4


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