Best Gynae for C-section in Singapore 2023

If you are looking for the best gynae for C-section in Singapore, you've probably asked around and done your online research.

In this post, we have compiled a list of gynaes and medical centres in Singapore. Since C-sections can only be done by centres with an operation theatre, we have listed only gynaes who are practicing in a hospital or has admission rights in hospital/s.

best gynaes for C-section in singapore

A C-section refers to the surgical delivery of your baby. If you need to have a C-section, your doctor will make a low horizontal incision in your abdomen and uterus to deliver your baby. To numb your lower body, you’ll be given either:
  • A spinal block, which is injected into the sac surrounding your spinal cord
  • An epidural, which is injected into your lower back, or
  • General anaesthetic to put you into a painless sleep
After a C-section, you’ll probably need to stay in the hospital for around 3 days to recover. Then you’ll probably need a couple of weeks at home to rest.

Before you finalise your decision, it's important you have some basic understanding with the medical specialty that you are dealing with.

Most lay people tend to use the terms gynae, obgyn or obstetrician interchangeably. However, there is a difference between all these terms.

O&G stands for Obstetrics and Gynaecology. What's the difference between obstetricians and gynaecologists? Most gynaes are qualified with a post-graduate qualification in O&G i.e. MRCOG or Master of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Therefore, they are trained both in obstetrics as well as gynaecology. An obstetrician specialises in pregnancy related aspects of women's health whereas a gynae specialised in the 'non-pregnancy' related aspects.

Next, you may also need to understand that there are 4 primary subspecialties in ob/gyn:
1) maternal fetal medicine (obstetrics)
2) reproductive endocrinology and infertility (IVF etc.)
3) female pelvic and reconstructive surgery (uro-gynae)
4) gynaecologic oncology (gynae-oncologist)

Therefore, if you are looking for a doctor who is well trained in C-section related procedures, you should be looking for an obstetrician or a maternal fetal medicine specialist. Not an IVF specialist or a gynae-oncologist or an uro-gynaecologist. Although all of them have been trained in C-section during their basic posting in an O&G department, but if there are in a different sub-specialty, they may not be as good as someone who sub-specialise in maternal fetal medicine and does it on a daily basis. 

Now that you have a better picture on who you will be dealing with, it's easier for you to make an appointment with the right specialist or subspecialist, in this case; an obstetrician.

There are also others who have traveled this path ahead of you and they could be your sources of wisdom and support. There are also many self-proclaimed experts on social media dishing out advice and recommendations. However, 'too many cooks may spoil the broth'. You and your situation are unique.

Once you have compiled your list of options, your next step would be to check out the reviews on Google and local parenting forums such as SingaporeMotherhood and Kiasu parents; and also gynaecologist Singapore review.

You might also wish to check out maternity packages in Singapore (vaginal delivery and caesarean section) for comparison on the maternity packages for both the public and private hospitals in Singapore.

Please take note that the term 'maternity package' is not a simple fixed price item that you are used to in your day to day shopping at supermarkets. That's the reason some hospitals do not offer that as every delivery is unique and different. Most maternity packages will list down cost items that are included and more importantly, cost items that are not included. These might include consultant fee and hospital cost that are beyond the designated period (e.g. 3 days / 2 nights package) and also unexpected complications to the mother or baby. So, do not be surprised that your final bill will be much higher than the 'maternity package'.

If you are looking for the cheapest or most affordable maternity package in Singapore, NUH Hospital Ward C would be your choice. If you would prefer a private hospital instead, Parkway East Hospital in a 4 bedded room would be the most affordable choice for normal delivery and Thomson Medical Centre in a 4 bedded room for Caesarean section.

An analysis done by The Astute Parent, revealed that Caesarean section ratio is the highest in TMC (Thomson) and MAH (Mount Alvernia).

Best Gynaes for C-section in Singapore

Below, we have compiled a list of obstetricians and medical centres in Singapore. 

1. KKH Gynae - Address, Contact Number and KKH Gynae List

KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital is situated at the junction of Bukit Timah and Kampong Java Roads. Only 5 minutes from Singapore’s Central Business District (CBD), the hospital is easily accessible via major expressways linked to different parts of Singapore.

100 Bukit Timah Road, Singapore 229899
Telephone contact (24-hr): +65 6-CALL KKH (+65 6-2255 554)

Urgent O&G Centre

The Urgent O&G Centre is a 24-hour walk-in centre for women with urgent obstetric and gynaecological conditions. It is located at Basement 1 of Women's Tower.

Provides round-the-clock service for:
- Acute problems in early pregnancy (less than 22 weeks gestation) such as abdominal pain and bleeding
- Post-pregnancy related conditions
- Acute gynaecological complaints such as acute vaginal bleeding, severe pelvic (lower abdominal) pain.

For expectant mothers who are at or more than 22 weeks into their pregnancy, with concerns such as water-bag leakage, vaginal bleeding, or signs of labour, please proceed directly to our Delivery Suite, located at Level 2 of Women's Tower, instead.

General Obstetrics & Gynaecology 

Name of Doctor: Assoc Prof Tee Chee Seng, John
Department: Division of O&G
Designation: Senior Consultant
Specialty: General Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Sub-Specialty: General O&G

Name of Doctor: Assoc Prof Chern Su Min Bernard
Department: Dept of O&G
Designation: Chairman (Div of O&G), Head (O&G and Minimally Invasive Surgery) & Senior Consultant
Specialty: General Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Sub-Specialty: Laparoscopy & Hysteroscopy

Name of Doctor: Assoc Prof Tan Thiam Chye
Department: Department of O&G
Designation: Senior Consultant
Specialty: General Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Name of Doctor: Dr Tan Kai Lit
Department: Department of Maternal Fetal Medicine
Designation: Consultant
Specialty: General Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Sub-Specialty: Maternal Fetal Medicine 

Name of Doctor: Dr Khong Chit Chong
Department: Department of O&G, Menopause Unit
Designation: Senior Consultant
Specialty: General Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Name of Doctor: Dr Mariamma George
Department: Department of O&G
Designation: Senior Consultant
Specialty: General Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Name of Doctor: Dr Wee Horng Yen
Department: Department of O&G
Designation: Visiting Consultant
Specialty: General Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Name of Doctor: Dr Tan Toh Lick
Department:Department of O&G
Designation:Associate Consultant
Specialty:General Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Name of Doctor: Dr Kathirvel Rajeswari
Department: Department of O&G
Designation: Consultant
Specialty: General Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Name of Doctor: Dr Manisha Mathur
Department: Department of O&G
Designation: Consultant
Specialty: General Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Name of Doctor: Dr Suzanna Binte Sulaiman
Department: Department of O&G
Designation: Consultant
Specialty: General Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Name of Doctor: Dr Tan Kim Teng
Department: Division of O&G
Designation: Senior Consultant
Specialty: General Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Name of Doctor: Dr Khoo Chong Kiat
Department: Department of O&G, Minimally Invasive Surgery Unit
Designation: Senior Consultant
Specialty: General Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Sub-Specialty: Minimally Invasive Surgery

Dr Liu Shuling
MBBS (Spore), Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, MRCOG MMed (O&G) (Spore)
Designation: Consultant
Specialty: Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Minimally Invasive Surgery, Reproductive Medicine
Sub-specialties: Recurrent Pregnancy Loss, Assisted Reproductive Program, Adolescent Gynaecology, PCOS, General Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Maternal Fetal Medicine

Name of Doctor: Prof Yeo Seow Heong, George
Department: Department of Maternal Fetal Medicine
Designation: Chief of Obstetric; Head and Senior Consultant, Maternal Fetal Medicine & Obstetric ultrasound and Prenatal Diagnosis Unit
Specialty: Maternal Fetal Medicine

Name of Doctor: Prof Kenneth Kwek Yung Chiang
Department: Department of Maternal Fetal Medicine
Designation: Senior Consultant & Chief Executive Officer, KKH
Specialty: Maternal Fetal Medicine

Name of Doctor: Dr Edwin Thia
Qualification: MBBS (S'pore), M.Med (O&G) (S'pore), MRCOG (UK)
Institution: KK Women's and Children's Hospital
Department: Department of Maternal Fetal Medicine
Designation: Consultant
Specialty: Maternal Fetal Medicine

2. SGH Gynae - Address, Contact Number and SGH Gynae List

Outram Road, Singapore 169608
General Enquiries (Telephone contact): +65 6222 3322

Name of Doctors (Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist) -

Dr Devendra Kanagalingam
​MBBS (Spore), FRCOG (UK)
Sub-Specialty: Maternal Fetal Medicine, High-risk Pregnancy, Intrapartum Care

Assoc Prof Tan Lay Kok
Sub-Specialty: Obstetric Medicine, High-risk Pregnancy, Maternal Fetal Medicine

Dr Tan Eng Loy
Sub-Specialty: Maternal Fetal Medicine

Dr Tan Wei Ching
​MBBS (S'pore), MRCOG (UK), FAMS
Sub-Specialty: Maternal Fetal Medicine

Dr Serene Lim Liqing
​MBBS, M.Med (O&G)

Dr Tan Wei Keat
​MB BCh BAO, LRCP & SI (Ireland)

Dr Yang Liying

3. NUH Gynae - Address, Contact Number and NUH Gynae List

The NUH Women's Centre aims to be the centre of excellent obstetric & gynaecologic care in South East Asia. We aspire to provide the best clinical service to the women and men who seek our expertise in obstetric, gynaecologic and sexual health matters. We seek to lead in the frontiers of translational research by investing in relevant basic science and extending its impact into day to day clinical experience.

Address: 5 Lower Kent Ridge Road, Singapore 119074 
NUH Women's Clinic at +65 6772 2002 (Appointment)
Emergency (24 Hrs): +65 6772 5000 

Maternal Fetal Medicine | Obstetricians

A/Prof Mahesh Choolani - Head of Department
A/Prof Arijit Biswas
A/Prof Mary Rauff | Female
A/Prof Su Lin Lin | Female
A/Prof Chan Shiao-Yng | Female
A/Prof Wong Yee Chee 
A/Prof Chong Yap Seng 
Dr Chua Tsei Meng | Female
Dr Vanaja Kalaichelvan | Female
Dr Tan Eng Kien 
Dr Anita Sugam Kale | Female
A/Prof Citra Mattar | Female 
Dr Claudia Chi | Female

4. Thomson Medical Centre - Name of Doctors (Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist) - Alphabetical order

Dr Adelina Wong
MBBS (Singapore) 1992, MRCOG (London, UK) 1997, FAMS 2006

Dr Adrian Woodworth
MBBS (Singapore), MRCOG (UK), MMED – O&G (Singapore), MRANZCOG (Australia)

Dr Beh Suan Tiong
MBBS (Singapore) 1987, MRCOG (UK) 1993, FAMS (Singapore) 1998

Dr Benjamin Tham
MBBS (Singapore) 1990, MRCOG (UK) 1997, MMED(O&G) (Singapore) 1997, MRACOG (Australia) 1997, FRANZCOG (AUS/NZ) 2000, FAMS (Singapore) 2002

Dr Chang Tou Choong
MBBS (UK) 1985, FRCS (Glasgow) 1990, MRCOG (UK) 1990, MD (UK) 1994, FAMS (Singapore) 1994

Dr Cheng Li Chang
MBBS (Singapore) 1984, MRCOG (London) 1990, FAMS (Singapore) 1994, FRCOG (London) 2003

Dr Claudine Tan
MRCOG (London), MBBS (Singapore)

Dr Crystal Chin Hsuan

Dr Eunice Chua
MBBS (Singapore) 1985, MRCOG (London) 1990, FAMS (Singapore) 1996

Dr Freda Khoo
MBBS (Spore), MMED (O&G) (Spore), MRCOG (UK) FAMS

Dr Geraldine Tan
MBBS (Singapore), MMED – O&G (Singapore), MRCOG (UK)

Dr Janice Tung
MBBS (Singapore) MRCOG (UK)

Dr Jasmine Binte Mohd.
MBBS (Singapore) 2000, MMED (O&G) (Singapore) 2005, MRCOG (UK) 2011, FAMS (Singapore) 2009

Dr Jeanette Chen
BMedSci(Hons)(UK) 1994, MBBCH(Wales) 1994, DFFP(UK) 1998, MRCOG(UK)1999, FAMS 2004, FRCOG(UK) 2018

Dr Judy Wong Pui Ling
MBBS (Singapore) 1992, MRCOG (UK) 1998, MMed (O&G) (Singapore) 1998, FAMS (Singapore) 2002

Dr Lawrence Ang
MBBS (Singapore), MRCOG (UK), MMED – O&G (Singapore), MRANZCOG (Australia)

Dr Liana Koe

Dr Loh Seong Feei
MBBS (S’pore), M.Med (O&G) (S’pore), FRACOG (Aust), FRCOG (Lond), FAMS

Dr Ng Ying Woo
MBBS (S'pore), MMed (O&G, S'pore), FRCOG (UK)

Dr Ong Xiaohui

Dr Pamela Tan
MBBS (Singapore), MRCOG (UK), FAMS (Singapore)

Dr Sim Lee Ngor
MBBS (Singapore) 1983, MRCOG (London) 1990

Dr Steven Teo
MBBS (S'pore), MRCOG (UK), MMed (O&G)(S'pore)

Dr Tan Kai Lit
MBBS (Singapore), MMed O&G (NUS), MRCOG (London)

Dr Tan Toh Lick
MBBS (London), FRCOG (UK)

Dr Tay Eng Hseon
MBBS (Singapore) 1987, MRCOG (UK) 1993, FRCOG (London) 2006, MMED (O&G) (Singapore) 1993, FAMS (Singapore) 1999, Certificate in Gynaecological Oncology DGO (RANZCOG) 1999

Dr Wong Heng Fok
MBBS (Singapore), MRCOG (UK)

Dr Wong Mun Tat
MBBS (Australia), MMED – O&G (Singapore), MRCOG (UK), FAMS

Dr Woo Bit Hwa
MBBS (Singapore), MRCOG (UK), MMED – O&G (Singapore), MRANZCOG (Australia)

Dr Yeap Min Li
MBBS (Singapore) 1992, MRCOG (UK) 1997, FAMS (Singapore) 2009

Dr Yvonne Chan
MBBS (Singapore) 1987, MMED – O&G (Singapore) 1993, MRCOG (UK) 1992, MRACOG (Australia) 1993, FAMS (Singapore) 1996, FRCOG (UK) 2005

Dr Yvonne Soong
MBBS (Singapore) 1988, MRCOG (UK) 1994, FAMS (Singapore) 1998

5. Gleneagles Hospital - Private Gynae Clinics

Address and Telephone Contact No.

6A Napier Road 
Singapore 258500
Contact: (+65) 6735-5000

Name of Doctors (Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist)

Dr Ang Huai Yan 
Dr Chan Kong Hon 
Dr Cathryn Chan Weng Buen (Female)
Dr Tanny Chan (Female)
Dr Mary Yang (Female)
Dr Lisa Chin (Female)
Dr Chen Christopher 
Dr Peggy Cheng (Female)
Dr Chew Peter 
Dr Chew Sek Yuen 
Dr Oei Pau Ling 
Dr Fong Chuan Wee
Dr Hangchi Dennis 
Dr Lee Keen Whye 
Dr Foong Lian Cheun 
Dr Jothi Kumar 
Dr Lee Seong Tuck 
Dr Lim Gordon 
Dr Brenda Low Wen Yong (Female)
Dr Ong Theng Kiat 
Dr Ling N N 
Dr Ng Soon Chye 
Dr See Tho Kai Yin 
Dr Seng Shay Way 
Dr Singh Jiwan 
Dr Sng Soo Pheow 
Dr Tan Gordon 
Dr Tan Hang Yang 
Dr Tan Kok Kong 
Dr Tay Sun Kuie 
Dr Tham Kok Fun
Dr Yam Pei Yuen, John 
Dr Chong Yew Luen, Christopher 

6. Dr Lai Fon Min at A Company for Women

Dr Lai Fon Min, 1 Orchard Boulevard, #03-05/06 Camden Medical Centre, Singapore 248649, 
Tel: (+65) 6333 6181

Closest hospital: Gleneagles Singapore

According to Sassy Mama: Due to his non-interventionist, true-to-mama’s-wishes delivery style, Dr Lai is very popular (and pricey, too). Rumour has it that he’s got the lowest c-section rate in town and that he doesn’t do episiotomies (hallelujah we say!). He’s also the only gynae in Singapore who might even consider home births, which is far from a given these days, and has a good relationship with many doulas. Dr Lai specialises in high-risk pregnancies, is frequently sought out to help mamas safely deliver breech babies, and welcomes patients who wish to go for Vaginal birth after Cesarean (VBAC).



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