Thomson Medical Centre: Gynae Recommendation, Reviews and Maternity Package 2022

If you are looking for a recommended gynae in Thomson Medical Centre, you've come to the right place.

Thomson medical gynae recommendation

Incorporated in 1979, Thomson Medical is one of Singapore’s leading providers of healthcare services for women and children. It owns and operates Thomson Medical Centre, a fully integrated hospital that provides a comprehensive range of facilities and services with a focus on obstetrics and gynaecology (O&G) and paediatric services.

Address: 339 Thomson Road, Singapore 307677

We have gone through some of the mother and baby forums and I would expect that you would have probably done the same. It is clear that the information is all over the place and it's difficult to really decide on who is the best gynaecologist for you after reading all those forums. You will only need to choose one.

The challenge here is most of the reviews from parenting forums are outdated and have low participation from their communities. We have sifted through the forums and listed some of the reviews that we hope might be useful for your decision making.

Thomson Medical Centre Gynae Reviews

Dr. Benjamin Tham Reviews:
- Delivered my girl and twins with Dr Ben Tham. He's friendly and won't over stress the Mummy. -
- I had Dr. Tham for my first baby. Such a friendly doc. I know that most women prefer to have a female gynae because it has been inherent to us that only women can understand pregnancy but Dr. Tham has amazing understanding about pregnant women. Well, of course they have been trained through their experiences plus they have studied all about it but i find it uncanny to have Dr. Tham so natural. He is kind and gentle. Very professional too. If you think you won't mind talking about your condition to a male gynae then Dr. Tham is perfect for you. Just like he was for me. -
- He has been the doctor that the recent motherhood forums been raving all about. And yes, he did not disappoint us. We felt that he is a very kind doctor and we felt that we are able to trust him. He is very patient as well in explaining everything to us, even apologies to me as he knows he is pressing my tummy a little harder so to firm up the image. Something i like about Dr. Tham's clinic is that we are able to get all images of our scans as long as we provide the thumb-drive for them to copy for us. -

Jan 2019: September 2019 Mummies
- Not too sure about NUH and TMC but read about the following doctors from these 2 clinics on forums:
NUH - Biswas, Vanaja, Mahesh Choolani
TMC - Benjamin Tham, SF Loh, Eunice Chua
Ref: singaporemotherhood

Dr Sim Lee Ngor Review
- v experienced and good stitching skills.
Ref: SingaporeMotherhood

Dr Adelina Wong Reviews:
- I'm with Dr Adelina Wong. She is very assuring and will answer all your worries and doubt. Never feel any rush and she'll explains details with you. The down side is no package.
- I was under Adelina Wong. She is good, patient and soft spoken. Her stitches skill is good, my scar just one fine line.Just that she is not offering any package and most of gynae from TMC also not offering anymore.
Ref: SingaporeMotherhood

Dr Eunice Chua Review:
- Hi, you can try my gynae.. Dr Eunice Chua from TLC (clinic based in tmc)... Very nice and patient lady... She cared for me during my polyps removal in 2013 and 2 miscarriages (2013 & 2015) before finally conceiving my current (Edd mid Jan)... She is also the gynae for my 2 cousins (elder cousins had 3 kids by her and 1 younger one just deliver in apr 2016)... She saved my younger cousin with her experience.. So I would highly recommend her.. 
Ref: SingaporeMotherhood

Dr Ong Xiaohui Review
- dr ong xiaohui delivered my baby. she used to be kk gyne but now in tmc. her clinic offers pkg <1k. her waiting is not so long also altho is best you book appt with her clinic. very nice & frenly doc!
Ref: SingaporeMotherhood

Name of Doctors (Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist) - Alphabetical order

Dr Adelina Wong
MBBS (Singapore) 1992, MRCOG (London, UK) 1997, FAMS 2006

Dr Adrian Woodworth
MBBS (Singapore), MRCOG (UK), MMED – O&G (Singapore), MRANZCOG (Australia)

Dr Beh Suan Tiong
MBBS (Singapore) 1987, MRCOG (UK) 1993, FAMS (Singapore) 1998

Dr Benjamin Tham
MBBS (Singapore) 1990, MRCOG (UK) 1997, MMED(O&G) (Singapore) 1997, MRACOG (Australia) 1997, FRANZCOG (AUS/NZ) 2000, FAMS (Singapore) 2002

Dr Chang Tou Choong
MBBS (UK) 1985, FRCS (Glasgow) 1990, MRCOG (UK) 1990, MD (UK) 1994, FAMS (Singapore) 1994

Dr Cheng Li Chang
MBBS (Singapore) 1984, MRCOG (London) 1990, FAMS (Singapore) 1994, FRCOG (London) 2003

Dr Claudine Tan
MRCOG (London), MBBS (Singapore)

Dr Crystal Chin Hsuan

Dr Eunice Chua
MBBS (Singapore) 1985, MRCOG (London) 1990, FAMS (Singapore) 1996

Dr Freda Khoo
MBBS (Spore), MMED (O&G) (Spore), MRCOG (UK) FAMS

Dr Geraldine Tan
MBBS (Singapore), MMED – O&G (Singapore), MRCOG (UK)

Dr Janice Tung
MBBS (Singapore) MRCOG (UK)

Dr Jasmine Binte Mohd.
MBBS (Singapore) 2000, MMED (O&G) (Singapore) 2005, MRCOG (UK) 2011, FAMS (Singapore) 2009

Dr Jeanette Chen
BMedSci(Hons)(UK) 1994, MBBCH(Wales) 1994, DFFP(UK) 1998, MRCOG(UK)1999, FAMS 2004, FRCOG(UK) 2018

Dr Judy Wong Pui Ling
MBBS (Singapore) 1992, MRCOG (UK) 1998, MMed (O&G) (Singapore) 1998, FAMS (Singapore) 2002

Dr Lawrence Ang
MBBS (Singapore), MRCOG (UK), MMED – O&G (Singapore), MRANZCOG (Australia)

Dr Liana Koe

Dr Loh Seong Feei
MBBS (S’pore), M.Med (O&G) (S’pore), FRACOG (Aust), FRCOG (Lond), FAMS

Dr Ng Ying Woo
MBBS (S'pore), MMed (O&G, S'pore), FRCOG (UK)

Dr Ong Xiaohui

Dr Pamela Tan
MBBS (Singapore), MRCOG (UK), FAMS (Singapore)

Dr Paul Tseng
MBBS (Singapore) 1981, MMED – O&G (Singapore) 1987, FAMS (Singapore) 2004

Dr Phyllis Liauw
MBBS (Singapore) 1978, MMED – O&G (Singapore) 1984, MRCOG (London) 1984, FAMS (Singapore) 1987, FRCOG (London) 1997

Dr Sim Lee Ngor
MBBS (Singapore) 1983, MRCOG (London) 1990

Dr Steven Teo
MBBS (S'pore), MRCOG (UK), MMed (O&G)(S'pore)

Dr Tan Kai Lit
MBBS (Singapore), MMed O&G (NUS), MRCOG (London)

Dr Tan Toh Lick
MBBS (London), FRCOG (UK)

Dr Tan Wee Khin
MBBS (Singapore) 1966, MRCOG (London) 1970, AM (Singapore) 1975, FRCOG (London) 1983

Dr Tay Eng Hseon
MBBS (Singapore) 1987, MRCOG (UK) 1993, FRCOG (London) 2006, MMED (O&G) (Singapore) 1993, FAMS (Singapore) 1999, Certificate in Gynaecological Oncology DGO (RANZCOG) 1999

Dr Wong Heng Fok
MBBS (Singapore), MRCOG (UK)

Dr Wong Mun Tat
MBBS (Australia), MMED – O&G (Singapore), MRCOG (UK), FAMS

Dr Woo Bit Hwa
MBBS (Singapore), MRCOG (UK), MMED – O&G (Singapore), MRANZCOG (Australia)

Dr Yeap Min Li
MBBS (Singapore) 1992, MRCOG (UK) 1997, FAMS (Singapore) 2009

Dr Yvonne Chan
MBBS (Singapore) 1987, MMED – O&G (Singapore) 1993, MRCOG (UK) 1992, MRACOG (Australia) 1993, FAMS (Singapore) 1996, FRCOG (UK) 2005

Dr Yvonne Soong
MBBS (Singapore) 1988, MRCOG (UK) 1994, FAMS (Singapore) 1998

Thomson Medical Maternity Package

Cost for two days' stay and normal vaginal delivery: 
(Note - Bill Size Middle) for a Single bedded 
$6,640 (Note - Bill Size Middle) for a Two bedded 
$6,270 (Note - Bill Size Middle) for a Four bedded 

Cost for 3 nights' stay and Caesarean section (no serious complication):
$12,613 (Note - Bill Size Middle) for a 1 bedded ward
$11,003 (Note - Bill Size Middle) for a 2 bedded ward
$8,847 (Note - Bill Size Middle) for a 4 bedded ward

Note - Bill Size Middle: Half of all patients pay less than this amount.
Last updated on 18 Feb 2020

Overwhelmed or not able to arrive to a decision? Read our guide on how do you choose a gynae in Singapore or check out more recommended gynaes in Singapore.


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