Cord Blood Banking in Singapore 2020: Cost and Reviews

If you are looking for cord blood banking in Singapore, you are in the right place. Stem cells are the basis of bone marrow transplants, a technique used to treat diseases such as leukaemia for many decades. Since the first stem cell transplant in 1988 much attention has been focused on stem cell therapy and its potential applications.

stem cell banking malaysia

Stem cells are “naïve” cells – capable with the right stimuli to transform into other cells types found in the human body e.g. liver, skin, red blood cells. Umbilical cord blood stem cells are one of the most primitive types of cells in the body. Created during the earliest phases of development they have the potential, given the right stimuli, to become specialised cells such as red or white blood cells. It is these properties and the fact that the umbilical cord is a rich source of stem cells that has prompted private companies to offer frozen storage of these cells from umbilical cord blood collected at birth.

The umbilical cord bloods are stored by freezing the cells in liquid nitrogen, which allows preservation of the stem cells for many years. These unique cells can be used to replace damaged or abnormal blood cells as part of the treatment of some malignant blood disorders, such as leukaemia as an alternative to bone marrow transplantation. The potential benefits of stem cell transplantation are that the cells are immediately available, genetically identical and can avoid the potential risks of bone marrow transplant rejection and infection.

review paper published in 2019 has revealed that a total of 98 clinical studies that employ UC-MSC (umbilical cord - mesenchymal stem cells) were published from year 2007 – 2017.

Related: List of Diseases that can be treated with Cord Blood

How much does cord blood banking cost in Singapore?

In Singapore, the cost of cord blood banking vary from one cord blood bank to the other. Do take note most companies will charge an upfront fee or enrolment fee plus annual storage fee. For cord blood banking comparison in Singapore, here is the average cost for cord blood storage for 21 years in Singapore:
1. Singapore Cord Blood Bank Price: SGD 5200
2. Cordlife: SGD 6,600 to 6,700
3. StemCord: SGD 5,850
4. Cryoviva: SGD 4,950 to 6,000

Best Cord Blood Banking Centres in Singapore

In Singapore, there are several organisations which are involved in cord blood banking. The Singapore Cord Blood Bank handles cord blood banking for donation purposes. There are several private companies which provide the service of cord blood banking. These public and private cord blood banks include:

1. Singapore Cord Blood Bank (SCBB)

SCBB is the first and only community cord blood bank in Singapore, established in 2005. A non-profit organisation committed to saving lives through serving the needs of patients and the community, SCBB has a proven track record on reliability and quality for cord blood banking.

From October 2017, SCBB will provide community cord blood banking, a comprehensive cord blood banking service which includes cord blood donation and family banking. Public cord blood banking remains SCBB’s top priority and key focus, with family cord blood banking being offered as an added service.

SCBB has successfully facilitated 264 cord blood transplants in Singapore and 16 other countries across the world. An internationally Accredited Cord Blood Bank of Asian Ethnicity, SCBB adheres to stringent and internationally accredited standards for the collection, processing, banking and distribution of cord blood units. With all obstetric hospitals in Singapore participating in its public cord blood donation programme, SCBB has a public cord blood inventory of over 11,000 units readily available for a life-saving transplant.

Donating to SCBB is free, and it can save the lives of others. If you donate and require a cord blood transplant in the future, you can withdraw for free, whereas a non-donor who needs a withdrawal would need to pay up to $27,000.

At SCBB, private cord blood banking (SCBB family cord blood banking) is only available if you deliver in a government hospital. It costs $2,200 for processing and storage for the first 5 years, then $1,000 for every 5 years after. The total cost for storing it for 21 years (up to when your baby turns into an adult) is $5,200.

2. Cordlife

Cordlife is amongst the leading players for family cord blood banking services in all the markets it operates in, namely Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, India, Indonesia and the Philippines. Inhabiting a distinctive niche in the healthcare industry, the Group is one of the foremost family cord blood banks to have gained a solid foothold in Asia.

In the last 19 years, Cordlife has dedicated its undertakings to achieve market leadership in the industry. Having built a distinguished brand name, the Group continues to strive for excellence by means of support from its experienced management team, dynamic key executives along with its quality product and service offerings. Cordlife believes the Group has in place a strong foundation for future expansion.

It’s the only private cord blood bank that is listed on the Mainboard of Singapore Exchange.

Cordlife is the only cord blood bank in Singapore that lets you store your umbilical cord lining together with the cord blood. The umbilical cord lining has stem cells called Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and Epithelial stem cells (EpSCs) that play a big part in the formation of skin or muscle and can repair injured tissues and organs.

At Cordlife, the storage of your baby's cord blood is for a contractual period of 21 years. Cord blood banking costs $1,200 to $1,600 for the upfront payment, and then $250 a year subsequently. After age 21, it’s free. So the total cost of 21 years of storage is $6,600.

At the age of 21, your child will have the rights to own his/her own cord blood unit and he/she will decide whether to continue with storage in subsequent years. After all, this precious medical resource belongs to your child.

Cordlife Reviews: 5.0/5 (Google)

- our gynae recommended cordlife...kkh also gave us cordlife contact...

- I think you can check with cordlife cos they got some accreditation from the global standard for cordblood bank. heard that you can use the child development account to pay for the cordlife package.

3. StemCord

StemCord is the 2nd oldest private cord blood bank in Singapore, having opened in 2002. It’s also the second largest.

StemCord stores cord blood in multiple units. With promising developments in using stem cells in Regenerative Therapy, storing stem cells in multiple units provides the capacity for multiple treatments if needed. StemCord also takes the extra step to split the cord blood units into two locations for added security and peace of mind.

Price-wise, StemCord is quite a bit cheaper than Cordlife. Cord blood storage for 21 years costs $5,850. You have the option of storing Mesenchymal stem cells together with the cord blood, and the total for both is $8,800 for 21 years.

4. Cryoviva

Cryoviva is the newest private cord blood bank in Singapore and opened in 2014. One thing to note is that they work with SCBB for processing and storage rather than handling it entirely in-house like Cordlife.

It has probably the most affordable rate of $4,950 for the full 21 years of storage, but this is only if you pay in full up front. Alternatively you can pay annually ($1,100 a year for up to 5 years) or monthly ($100 a month for up to 5 years).

So depending on which payment option you go for, the total cost would range from $4,950 to $6,000.

Cryoviva Reviews: 2.6/5 (Google)

Cord Blood Banking Singapore Reviews

My Review of Cordlife vs. Stemcord vs. Cryoviva (2018)
Our decision then essentially came down to choosing between:
- Want the cheapest? Cryoviva.
- Want the most flexible pricing plans with low commitment? Stemcord.
- Want the one with the best track record / technology / reviews / want to store all 3 types of stem cells? Cordlife.

Wrapping It Up

Hope you found your answers to your questions. If you have decided this is not for you and your baby, you can also donate your baby's cord blood to the public bank (SCBB), which will use it to help patients with life-threatening diseases. Whatever your decision is, please talk to your gynae at least a month before the delivery day (EDD), so that the planning could be initiated.


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