Pregnant and worried about the new coronavirus?

How the coronavirus spreads The virus spreads through respiratory droplets sent into the air when a person who has COVID-19 coughs or sneezes. It may also spread when someone touches a surface or object that has the virus on it, then touches their mouth, the inside of their nose, or their eyes. Current evidence suggests that the incubation period of the virus is anywhere from two to 14 days. It’s possible that someone could be infected but not have any symptoms (asymptomatic) and be able to spread the virus. Hand-washing, social distancing, and other ways to help prevent the spread of coronavirus What can I do to protect myself from catching the coronavirus? The most important step is to practice excellent hand hygiene by frequently washing hands with soap and water for 20 seconds. Avoid touching your face, especially your eyes, mouth, and nose. Public health officials urge people to tightly limit gatherings and to stay home as much as possible. Social distanci...